Sekai Ward

A few years ago I began spotting these adorable little libraries popping up all over Ann Arbor. They came in all sorts of sizes and were carefully designed and painted to match the unique personalities of their stewards. I’ve always been an avid reader so I started perusing the shelves of these neighborhood libraries whenever I was looking for a good read, and I was rarely disappointed. Finding a new Little Free Library or one that I have never visited before became something of a hobby for me on the weekends, or when I was running around town doing errands. I always carry a couple of books in the trunk of my car so I adhere to the “take a book, leave a book” philosophy. I’ve been grateful to find an eclectic array of titles that have kept me awake well into the late hours of the evening. There have been many times throughout my life when books saved me. They provided hope, escapism and the knowledge to make sense of the chaos swirling around me. A couple of months ago my husband, our 12-year old son, and I moved into a new house on the southeast side of Ann Arbor. One of the first things I noticed was the absence of a Little Library on our street or in the immediate area so I ordered one, painted it and filled it with titles that have made an impact on my life in the hopes that they will do the same for someone else. It’s been a great way to meet all of our new neighbors and build a sense of community.

–Sekai K. Ward is a therapist in private practice with Lotus Consulting. She lives with her husband and their son in Ann Arbor. When she’s not driving around town in search of Little Free Libraries, Sekai can be found reading on her living room couch.