810 Hutchins

Steward: Maria Murphy

When did you put up your library and where did it come from?
Maria: I put my library up 2 or 3 years ago.  I ordered it from the Little Free Library website as a Christmas gift to myself from my family.
What inspired you to create one?

Maria: I am an English teacher who LOVES to read myself, and, maybe even more, to inspire a love of reading in young people – and older people, for that matter.  I consider it a personal mission to put books in the hands of as many readers as possible, whether it’s from my classroom or from a little library outside my house!  I saw a library a neighbor on 5th had built which matched their own home, and I thought, “I NEED one of those!”  Then, I started seeing them in other places all over A2, in Detroit, in Traverse City, etc. and did some research to find one.

Are there certain subject matters or age groups that your library has been geared towards?

Maria: Young adults and children (I teach middle schoolers), because I think the earlier we hook and inspire people to read, the more likely it is they will be lifelong lovers of reading.  I like to have books that adults would like to read as well!

Have you received any feedback from users of your library?

Maria: Some. Kids often comment when they catch me outside.  They like stopping at the library when on walks.

In what ways has your library enriched your life?

Maria: I find it fun to find good or unique books and magazines and share them with others.  I’ve also found several books in my library that I can’t wait to read myself!  I’ve loved finding new libraries too – like the huge one outside of Bach Elementary School, or the cow-themed one outside Washtenaw Dairy!

Maria Murphy is an English teacher at Slauson Middle Schoo.